
Born in Jilin, China, in 1981, Jiang Miao is a diverse artist specializing in contemporary Woodblock Printmaking. She studied at the Printmaking Department in the Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing, China. This was the first printmaking department in China which was established in 1954 and was staffed with excellent faculty. There she earned her B.F.A. in 2005 and M.F.A. in 2009 with a major in Woodblock Printmaking. In 2003 and 2004, she received the First Prize for the Year-End Student Works Exhibition of CAFA. In 2004, Jiang Miao's works were selected for the National Printmaking Academic Workshop. She also participated in the two-year Japanese-South Korean International Printmaking Exhibition and the Bulgarian International Printmaking Exhibition. The following year, her works were chosen for a joint exhibition at the Museum of Fine Arts, Macau.
Jiang Miao's Solo Exhibition was presented at Triumph Art Space in May 2009 and graced with the presence of many famous artists and critics, all of whom appreciated Miao's works. Miao continued exhibiting her works alongside many renowned Chinese artists such as Xu Baozhong, Xu Bing, Zhou Danmei, Zhuang Hui and Dan'er, Xue Guangchen, Kong Guoqiao, Wang Haiyang, Yang Hong Wei, Kou Jianghui, Wu Jian'an, Huang Jingyuan, Yan Jun, Guo Leilei, Fang Lijun, Liu Liping, Chen Qi, Zhang Qikai, Chen Xiaowen, Shi Xinji, Huang Yang, Liu Ye, Wang Yiqiong and Yang Yumin at The Second Academic Exhibition of Chinese Contemporary Prints and Today Art Museum (TAM) in 2011.
In her woodcuts, Jiang Miao expresses her personal experiences as a female artist in Beijing. She is particularly interested in expressionist woodcuts from the beginning of the 20th century. From the black and white tone and the exquisite cutting marks of "Spiritual Breath," it is easy for us to see that Jiang Miao has solid painting skills.
Standing in front of the wood engravings of Jiang Miao, viewers are deeply impressed by her sharp-eyed appreciation for surrounding objects. In terms of artistic language practice, Jiang Miao develops a sense of deviation from figurative forms, organically integrating the concrete with the abstract. The striking contrast between figures and the entire space embodies the enduring spirit. Jiang Mao prefers this black-and-white woodcut method because of her observation of surrounding people and objects, her deep understanding of the complex and difficult communication problems that arise between self and others, and the use of the cutting lines to match the psychological movements of the mind.
In the world of wood engraving and printing ink, Jiang Miao carves fictitious people and symbols into surroundings using her knives. She adopts black and white to filter and restore order amidst complicated and colourful reality - opening her eyes widely to observe everything, including each one of us.

Born in Jilin in 1981 and currently living in Beijing
2005 Graduated from China Central Academy of Fine Arts, Printmaking Department and acquired a B.A. Degree
2009 Graduated from China Central Academy of Fine Arts, Printmaking Department and acquired a Master's Degree
2017 “梦秀”后时代艺术节 姜淼个人作品展, 阶梯美术馆, 中国北京
2016 "中国在场 “2017海南国际当代艺术大展, 海博会, 中国三亚
2016 <扫一扫>当代艺术2016~2017跨年展, 山水美术馆, 中国北京
2016 “控梦术”展览, 798 陌上画廊, 中国北京
2015 “气韵生动”中国当代艺术邀请展, 安溪文庙, 中国福建
2013 抱虎下山---王华祥师生联展, 久画廊, 中国北京
2013 四方佳人---中外版画四人展, 千禧雅画廊, 中国湖北
2013 “印痕”姜淼个人艺术展, 武汉钻石艺术博物馆, 中国湖北
2013 "Mark" Jiang Miao personal art exhibition, Wuhan Diamond Museum of Art, China Hu Bei
2013 VI SPLITGRAPHIC 2013 International Graphic Art Biennial 2013 CALL FOR ENTRY & APPLICATIONS, 克罗地亚
2013 VI SPLITGRAPHIC 2013 International Graphic Art Biennial 2013 CALL FOR ENTRY & APPLICATIONS, Croatia
2013 "Global print 2013", 阿尔加维, 葡萄牙
2013 "Global print 2013", Al Garway of Portugal
2012 《假如明天来临》版画邀请展, 虚苑美术馆, 中国北京
2012 Printmaking Invitational Exhibition, Xu Yuan Art gallery, China ,Bei Jing
2011 中国青年版画展, 今日美术馆, 中国北京
2011 Chinese Youth Prints Exhibition, TODAY ART MUSEUM, China Bei Jing
2011 磴明万荷美术馆邀请展, 万荷美术馆 , 中国北京
2011 Deng Ming Wan He Art Museum Invitational Exhibition ,Wan He Art Museum, China Bei Jing
2011 第二届中国当代版画学术展——版画 概念, 今日美术馆 , 中国北京
2011 The second session of Chinese Contemporary Printmaking Exhibition -- academic concept of prints, TODAY ART MUSEUM, China Bei Jing
2010 “独白”姜淼个人作品展 , 东方基金会, 中国澳门
2010 " Monologue " Jiang Miao 's Works Exhibition, Orient Foundation, China Macao
2010 日本东都美术馆第36届AJAC展, 横滨神奈川县民会馆, 日本横滨
2010 The 36th AJAC Exhibition of Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum,Yokohama Kanagawa County Hall, Yokohama Japan
2009 日本东都美术馆第35届AJAC展, 日本东京美术馆, 日本东京
2009 The 35th AJAC Exhibition of Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum,Tokyo Gallery, Tokyo
2009 “双相的维度”当代年轻艺术家群展, 新时代画廊, 中国北京
2009 “The Dimensions of Double Images” Group Exhibition of Contemporary Young Artists” New Age Gallery, Beijing, China
2009 “姜淼个人作品展”, 艺·凯旋艺术空间, 中国北京
2009 "Jiang Miao Solo Exhibition", Triumph Art Space, Beijing, China
2009 “萌动”中澳版画交流展 , 全艺社, 中国北京
2009 "Sprout", Exchange Exhibition of Chinese and Australian Printmaking, Beijing, China
2008 “实践的力量”第二届中国当代版画文献展 5月中国南京博物院, 7月中国北京798雅之林BUT画廊
2008 May, "Power of Practice", the 2nd Literature Exhibition of Contemporary, Chinese Printmaking at Nanjing Museum, China. July, at 798 BUT Gallery in Beijing, China
2007 “段落”空间收藏展, 中国北京
2007 "Paragraphs", Space Collection Exhibition, Beijing, China
2006 “中国当代艺术大展” , 中国美术馆, 中国北京
2006 "Contemporary Chinese Art" at National Art Museum of China, Beijing
2006 澳门“移动的城堡”展览, 牛房仓库空间, 中国澳门
2006 "Moving Castle" at Ox Warehouse in Macao
2006 “Made in China”展览, 德国柏林
2006 "Made in China" Exhibition in Berlin, Germany
2005 “学院之光”银奖, 中央美院展厅, 中国北京
2005 Silver Award in "Academy Light" Exhibition at China Central Academy of Fine Arts Gallery, Beijing, China
2005 第十七届全国版画作品展, 贵阳美术馆, 中国贵阳
2005 The 17th National Printmaking Exhibition at Guiyang Art Gallary, Guiyang, China
2005 澳门艺术博物馆交流展览 , 中国澳门
2005 Exchange Exhibition at Macao Museum of Art, Macao
2005 “黑白木刻双人展” , 中央美院通道画廊, 中国北京
2005 "Dual Exhibition of Black-and-White Woodcarving" at Corridor Gallery of China Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing, China
2005 保加利亚国际版画双年展, 保加利亚美术馆, 保加利亚
2005 International Printmaking Biennial at Bulgaria Art Gallery, Bulgaria
2004 日本韩国釜山国际版画双年展 , 韩国 釜山
2004 International Printmaking Biennial, Japan and Busan in South Korea
收藏 中央美术学院 澳门博物馆 贵阳美术馆 南京博物院 澳门东方基金会 今日美术馆
Works Collected by:
China Central Academy of Fine Arts; Macao Art Museum; Guiyang Art Gallary; Nanjing Museum;Orient Foundation;TODAY ART MUSEUM