Jiao Xin Tao

Chewing Gum, 2007
Fiberglass Painted, 130 x 3.5 x 34 cm

USD 6,100 – 7,700

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About the artwork

Jiao Xin Tao's works are famous for revolving around the theme of consumerism, featuring neglected objects such as discarded packaging and other castaway objects. Jiao's art represents his attempts in objectively recontextualizing the meaning of these objects again. Through depicting these trivial and cast-away items, he attempts to redefine them with dignity and value. This is meant to reflect the human search for new possibilities when facing modern life. When we bid farewell to a bygone era and are no longer defined by its meaning and values, the natural behaviour is to turn attention to new cultural questions in order to face contemporary life.

About the artist

Jiao Xin Tao was born in Chengdu, China in 1970 and graduated from the Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts, Chongqing with a Masters in Fine Arts in 1996. 

His works are famous for revolving around the theme of consumerism, often featuring negligible objects such as discarded packaging and other castaway objects. Jiao takes familiar everyday items—empty milk cartons, discarded wrappers, plastic bags—and transforms them into fibreglass artistic objects. Playing with scale and a hyper-realistic attention to detail, the artist recreates these objects on grand proportions. His monumental sculptures of common products render the objects with meticulous detail, so as to reveal the true aesthetic value behind these seemingly insignificant remnants of daily life. Pushing artistic and aesthetic boundaries, the artist establishes a running commentary on the overly materialistic and consumerist attitude of contemporary society, creating sculpture which evokes a philosophical response in addition to visual appreciation.

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